
I'm Naim Siddiqui

Software Engineer | Competitive Programmer | Full-stack Developer

Expertise in JS, TS, ES6, React, Redux, React Native, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, Rest API, MongoDB, Firebase, Tailwind, Bootstrap, MUI, GraphQL, Google API, SASS, Payment Gateway, WordPress, AWS, Vue.js, MySQL, Python, Django

Competitive Programming
Full-Stack Development
Problem Solving
What I do

Better Programming

Better Experience

Always prefer to introduce myself as a "Learner" rather than an Expert. I believe - "Everyday life is like programming. If we love something we can put beauty in it!" - and that's what am always doing what I love the most - "Programming". I enjoy the intricacies, details, and depth of pure mathematics and the excitement of solving problems.

About me

I'm here

to help your next project

A graduating student of the Department of Software Engineering from Daffodil International University (DIU). The major area of expertise is - Web & Mobile Application Development in MERN Stack! I always looking for opportunities to increase team performance by acting as a force multiplier.

Problem Solving
Creative Idea
Fresh Coding
Perfect Testing
My portfolio

Some of my distinguished works



Shafayet Siddiquee
CEO & Founder, Codeinflect Lmt.

He is very professional and passionate. I would must recommend him for any specialized project.

For reference: +8801313354303

Contact me

I am Ready to talk!

Let's gossip about your issues & make them solved!

  • Dhaka - Bangladesh

  • naimsiddiquibd@gmail.com

  • +8801643471297
